new baby
2018-11-15 10:14:42 UTC
Hi experts,
I am facing a weird issue, with h265parse for resolution more then
but For h264parser it works but for h265parse it doesn;t work more the
*I am able to run with 1280x720 resolution input but not more then that .*
I am passing encoded file to h265parser and muxing it, with src, sink like
in example in tutorials(almost similar)
*cmd appsrc name = videosource ! queue max-size-buffers=0
max-size-time=0 max-size-bytes=0 min-threshold-time=0000000000 !
video/x-h265 ,width=(int)3840, height=(int)1920,
framerate=(fraction)24000/1000, stream-format=byte-stream, bitrate=8000 !
queue ! h265parse ! mpegtsmux name = mux ! chopmydata
max-size=1316 min-size=1316 ! queue ! appsink name = sink*
GPU in use: GeForce GTX 1070
Decode with demuxing.
[INFO ][15:39:29] Encoding Parameters:
codec : hevc
preset : ll_hp
profile : (default)
chroma : yuv420
bitdepth : 8
rc : cbr_ll_hq
fps : 24000/1000
gop : INF
bf : 0
size : 3840x1920
bitrate : 8000000
maxbitrate : 4000000
vbvbufsize : 666665
vbvinit : 666665
aq : disabled
temporalaq : disabled
lookahead : disabled
cq :
qmin : P,B,I=0,0,0
qmax : P,B,I=0,0,0
initqp : P,B,I=0,0,0
Encoder start
g loop running
0:00:00.787981007 5236 000002225F22CE00 WARN h265parse
gsth265parse.c:983:gst_h265_parse_handle_frame:<h265parse0> no SPS/PPS yet,
nal Type: 35 AUD, Size: 3 will be dropped
0:00:00.890039469 5236 000002225F22CE00 WARN baseparse
*gstbaseparse.c:2954:gst_base_parse_check_sync:<h error: Failed to parse
Error received from element h265parse0: Failed to parse stream</b>
0:00:00.927757091 5236Debugging information: gstbaseparse.c(2954):
gst_base_parse_check_sync (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstH265Parse:h265parse0
*This the function which gives error *
/* small helper that checks whether we have been trying to resync too long
static inline GstFlowReturn
gst_base_parse_check_sync (GstBaseParse * parse)
if (G_UNLIKELY (parse->priv->discont &&
parse->priv->offset - parse->priv->sync_offset > 2 * 1024 * 1024))
("Failed to parse stream"), (NULL));
return GST_FLOW_OK;
MY Quesion:
1) How to disable the sync , such that it should not check this condition?
2) How to solve the error as this works in commandline but not in pipeline
3) WHat i am doing wrong or what i am missing.
Note :
For h264parser it works but for h265parse it doesn;t work more the 1280x720p
Sent from:
I am facing a weird issue, with h265parse for resolution more then
but For h264parser it works but for h265parse it doesn;t work more the
*I am able to run with 1280x720 resolution input but not more then that .*
I am passing encoded file to h265parser and muxing it, with src, sink like
in example in tutorials(almost similar)
*cmd appsrc name = videosource ! queue max-size-buffers=0
max-size-time=0 max-size-bytes=0 min-threshold-time=0000000000 !
video/x-h265 ,width=(int)3840, height=(int)1920,
framerate=(fraction)24000/1000, stream-format=byte-stream, bitrate=8000 !
queue ! h265parse ! mpegtsmux name = mux ! chopmydata
max-size=1316 min-size=1316 ! queue ! appsink name = sink*
GPU in use: GeForce GTX 1070
Decode with demuxing.
[INFO ][15:39:29] Encoding Parameters:
codec : hevc
preset : ll_hp
profile : (default)
chroma : yuv420
bitdepth : 8
rc : cbr_ll_hq
fps : 24000/1000
gop : INF
bf : 0
size : 3840x1920
bitrate : 8000000
maxbitrate : 4000000
vbvbufsize : 666665
vbvinit : 666665
aq : disabled
temporalaq : disabled
lookahead : disabled
cq :
qmin : P,B,I=0,0,0
qmax : P,B,I=0,0,0
initqp : P,B,I=0,0,0
Encoder start
g loop running
0:00:00.787981007 5236 000002225F22CE00 WARN h265parse
gsth265parse.c:983:gst_h265_parse_handle_frame:<h265parse0> no SPS/PPS yet,
nal Type: 35 AUD, Size: 3 will be dropped
0:00:00.890039469 5236 000002225F22CE00 WARN baseparse
*gstbaseparse.c:2954:gst_base_parse_check_sync:<h error: Failed to parse
Error received from element h265parse0: Failed to parse stream</b>
0:00:00.927757091 5236Debugging information: gstbaseparse.c(2954):
gst_base_parse_check_sync (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstH265Parse:h265parse0
*This the function which gives error *
/* small helper that checks whether we have been trying to resync too long
static inline GstFlowReturn
gst_base_parse_check_sync (GstBaseParse * parse)
if (G_UNLIKELY (parse->priv->discont &&
parse->priv->offset - parse->priv->sync_offset > 2 * 1024 * 1024))
("Failed to parse stream"), (NULL));
return GST_FLOW_OK;
MY Quesion:
1) How to disable the sync , such that it should not check this condition?
2) How to solve the error as this works in commandline but not in pipeline
3) WHat i am doing wrong or what i am missing.
Note :
For h264parser it works but for h265parse it doesn;t work more the 1280x720p
Sent from: